Oxfarm organic packages
Cost of packages involves the cost of soil testing, land preparation, seedlings and three months management. Management involves visiting the farm on regular basis for advice as well as replacement of non performing seedlings. We can extend the three month management on agreement with the client.
Passion fruits
No of seedlings -700
Cost of holes preparation-30 per hole
Cost of manure 23, 000
Cost of planting -@10 per hole 7,000
Cost of seedlings @70
We charge 60,000 per acre which involve the cost of land preparation, seedlings and 3 months monitoring, manure at the cost of the client.
With only 40,000 per acre, this includes the cost of land preparation, seedlings, planting and three months monitoring.
No of seedlings 150
Cost of seedling @150
Cost of manure 15,000
No of seedlings 1200
Cost per hole @40
Cost of manure; 30,000
Cost per seedling 100
We charge 200,000 per acre which involve the cost of land preparation, seedlings, planting and 3 months management
We charge 45,000 per acre. This involves the cost of 200 seedlings, land preparation, planting and three months monitoring
No of seedlings 150
Cost of seedling 300
We charge 60,000 per acre, it involves the cost of seedlings, land preparation, planting and three months monitoring.
No of seedlings 900
Cost per seedling 50
Cost of package 90,000
No of seedlings per acre 150
Cost per seedlings 400
Cost of package 80,000