Did you know that Pomegranate fruit has been in existence over the decades but it was considered a wild fruit? Did you also know that in some areas people would not consume the fruit despite the wide variety of health benefits, because it wasn’t deemed to be edible fruit for human beings? And in some areas, they referred to it as ‘matunda ya nyoka’ because of its shrubby nature and the fact they were growing in deserted areas.

Well, the narrative has changed and the fruit that was considered not fit for human consumption is now a must have fruit in your orchard.

According to https://lupinepublishers.com/food-and-nutri-journal/pdf/SJFN.MS.ID.000118.pdf and https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262072342_Potent_health_effects_of_pomegranate

The following are some of the major health benefits of the Pomegranate fruit;

  1. Helps in preventions of cancers.
  2. Helps neutralize the effects of cancers.
  3. Helps fight malaria.
  4. Helps improve oral health.
  5. Contains anti-inflammatory properties
  6. Contains anti-diabetic properties.
  7. Helps improve cardiovascular health.
  8. Helps improve skin care.

When it comes to commercial farming the deal becomes better and sweeter as, One pomegranate fruit in Kenya retails at about 200kshs to 300kshs and in some areas it goes as high as Kshs. 1,000.

Now let’s do the math, one acre accommodate 250 seedlings with a spacing of 4m by 4m, at tree gives you an average of 25 fruits, that is 6,250 fruits per season. If you work with the minimum Kshs. 200, that translates to 200 multiplied by 6,250 and that gives you Kshs. 1,250,000 (Usd. 10414.93) Mark you, a seedling at OxfarmAg costs only Kshs. 300.

Pomegranates are drought resistant fruit trees therefore they do not need so much water as compared to other seedlings and due to their hardy nature, they also do not require a lot of your attention as again compared to other fruit trees.

At OxfarmAg not only do we offer you the best quality seedlings, we also offer you the best agronomical services and also connect you to the market. And do not forget we will walk the journey with you.

For any inquiries or orders kindly feel free to connect with any of our representatives below;

For more information;

Nairobi region - 0769623300

WhatsApp: https://wa.me/254769623300

Eldoret region - 0710588060

Mr. Duncan

WhatsApp: https://wa.me/254710588060


Nakuru region- 0740000044

Ms. Caroline

WhatsApp: https://wa.me/254740000044


Mt Kenya region - 0742194880

Mr. Nick

WhatsApp: https://wa.me/254742194880


Western region - 0706222888

Mr. Asman

WhatsApp: https://wa.me/254706222888